uTemplate Beta 0.55 Released!

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Unfinity Games

Staff member
Jun 14, 2014
The newest beta version is live! You can download it (for free, of course) via the Beta Downloads forum area. Not in the uTemplate beta? Read this on how to join (it's free, and easy!).

This update has a bunch of cool stuff in it, as well as quite a few small quality-of-life adjustments that should make everything much snappier.

Here's the full changelog:
  • Packed images into the DLLs, to reduce project clutter.
  • Added a brand new, slicker Unfinity Games Updater, that'll be used from now on.
  • Updated the Changelog Viewer. It's now a pop-up modal window inside of the new Updater.
  • Deprecated the old method call to the old updater -- if you're using any other Unfinity Games assets, you'll get a warning in the console. This'll go away automatically when those assets get updated to the newest version.
  • Fixed a minor bug regarding checking for whitespace.
  • Bulletproofed some potential null-reference-throwing core functions.
  • Implemented a new way to cache internal resources. Performance and loading reliability have been improved! Added a new Layout Flip option in the Preferences, allowing for the Options panel to be on the left or right.
  • Fixed an issue where method names weren't being added to the hoverable tooltip.
  • Added a new options menu button to the Script Creation Wizard. It's located in the upper right-hand side of the window.
    • Added an option to open a dockable version of the Script Creation Wizard. (Located in the new options menu)
    • Added an option to open the Unity Preferences. (Located in the new options menu)
    • Added an option to reset the Script Creation Wizard's window size. (Located in the new options menu)
  • Performance has been improved across the board!
  • Other small bugfixes/changes.
This should fix all outstanding issues that I'm aware of (thanks for letting me know about your issues, everyone!).
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