We're doing something a little special for uTemplate beta testers. All beta testers that submit feedback (whether that's your thoughts about uTemplate, bugs, or anything in between) will automatically be entered into our Early Beta Asset Giveaway. Depending on the number of testers, up to 10 Asset Store Vouchers of both U2DEX and uNote will be up for grabs, along with two (2) Asset Store Vouchers for the final, released version of uTemplate.
Here's how the current prize ladder looks (subject to change)
One (1) Jackpot Winner
Here's how the current prize ladder looks (subject to change)
One (1) Jackpot Winner
One (1) uTemplate Voucher
One (1) U2DEX Voucher
One (1) uNote Voucher
One (1) Runner-up WinnerOne (1) U2DEX Voucher
One (1) uNote Voucher
One (1) uTemplate Voucher
Four (4) Double-pack Winners
One (1) U2DEX Voucher
One (1) uNote Voucher
Five (5) WinnersOne (1) uNote Voucher
One (1) U2DEX Voucher
Five (5) Winners
One (1) uNote Voucher
All you have to do to be eligible is sign up for the uTemplate Beta, and let us know what you think about uTemplate (whether that's feedback, or bug reporting). That's it! Good luck!
Prizes and the giveaway are subject to change. Prizes may be added or removed based on beta participation.